Part 16: Update #2
Let's All Play Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective - The Mystified Murderess (Update #2)
Notebook (New clues will be spoilered.)
1. Gerald Locke visited the detectives at Baker Street, beseeching Holmes to look into the murder of Guy Clarendon at Halliday's Private Hotel. He believes that Frances Nolan, the woman being held at Old Bailey, could not possibly have commited the crime.
2. Edward Hall arranged an interview with Francis Nolan for the detectives. Miss Nolan can't remember where she got the pistol or how she got to the hotel. She mentions how she has blacked out twice before in the past month and even Dr. Mason was baffled.
3. The intrepid duo visited the Clarendon estate. Sir Francis had recently cut-off his son from the family wealth. As they leave, the butler mentions that Guy came home roughed up and was afraid for his life.
4. Holmes and Watson talked to Loretta Nolan at her home. Miss Nolan admits to last seeing Guy Clarendon at the Richmond's party the previous week and that her sister said she was going to talk to Guy the night of his death.
5. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson visit the columnist. Pike mentions that Loretta and Guy were not a couple and Holmes deduces that Guy was only interested in Francis for her money.
6. Holmes and Watson visited Somerset House. Their investigation reveals that Sir Malcolm Nolan's will evenly splits one third of the Aberdeen Navigation between his two daughters.
7. The Irregulars visited Halliday's and discover that the murdered man registered under the name of Clarence Guy.
8. Holmes and Watson paid a visit to Dr. Trevelyan. The doctor says that because of the childhood trauma of seeing her parent's killed, Loretta truly believes that she is a royal princess.
9. Holmes and Watson visited Hiram Davenport's residence. It appears that both Loretta and Frances had recently seen Mr. Davenport together. Hiram recalls that during their visit, he found that Miss Frances was in a strange state, mumbling to herself as she left unexpectedly.
10. Holmes and Watson visited the Inspector at Scotland Yard. Lestrade tells them he believes Frances Nolan bought the gun at S. Goff's and is guilty of the murder of Guy Clarendon.
11. The two detectives visited the home of Otis Richmond. Mr. Richmond says the burglar left no sign of having searched for other valuables and that nothing else was taken.
12. Watson paid a visit to Murray at Scotland Yard. Murray maintains that Clarendon was shot at close range.
13. The Irregulars were sent to the Raven and Rat Inn. Porky Shinwell tells them that Clarendon owed money to Kilgore in the amount of £7000 and that a fence by the name of Leach was involved.
Baker, Roger - Nothing on file.
Banks - Cox & Company Bank - A well-respected financial institution located in Charing Cross. Watson keeps all of the notes on my cases in a dispatch box in their vault.
Dearth, Bessie - Bessie Dearth is the wife of the late Hiram Dearth who made his fortune harvesting diamonds from mines in South Africa. Dearth was in partnership with Sir Francis Clarendon.
Ellis, Henry (Newspaper - London Times) - Baker Street Regular.
Goff, S. - Purveyor of used guns at one-third the original price. Located at 28 King-street, Covent Garden.
Hardinge, H.C. - H.C. Hardinge is a distributor of excellent Harris tweeds in the London area. He moved back here in 1886 after residing for several years on the Hebrides island of Lewis-with-Harris.
Hogg, Quentin (Newspaper - Police Gazette) - Baker Street Regular.
Hotels - Halliday's Private Hotel - Halliday's Private Hotel, located on Little George Street.
Ignacio's - A restaurant in the northwest sector of London which serves delectable Italian cuisine.
Ivy Plant Pub - Located in Westminster, around the corner from Godolphin Street.
Judd, Nancy - Nothing on file.
Kilgore, Claude - Kilgore served three years in Pentonville Prison for illegal gambling. Was cell mates with James Ryder's friend, Mausley.
Leeds, Sir Sanford - Sir Sanford Leeds is an avid croquet player. He is married to the daughter of the Duke of York.
Lewin, Bradford - Bradford Lewin was educated at Oxford University and now advises the Queen on foreign affairs.
Locke, Gerald - A clerk at Finsterwald's Florist and the suitor of Frances Nolan.
London Library - Baker Street Regular.
Mason, Dr. Jerrold - Nothing on file.
Meek, Sir Jasper (St. Bartholomew's Hospital) - Baker Street Regular.
Nolan, Frances (The meeting will be with the Maid) - Younger sister of Loretta Nolan (see Loretta Nolan).
O'Brian, Disraeli (Office Of Records) - Baker Street Regular.
Oldwine, Cornelius - Born into a class of idle aristocrats, Cornelius inherited a huge sum at the passing of his mother, Dame Crabtree, daughter of the late Lord Crabtree.
Quaritch's - A pub on the West End. Once temporarily shut down when a patron found a friend cockroach in his fish and chips.
Robarts, Wilfred - A noted London barrister. He tends to win more of his cases through courtroom theatrics rather than hard presentation of the facts.
Shinwell, Porky (The Raven and Rat) - Baker Street Regular.
Shipping - Aberdeen Navigation - the late Sir Malcolm Nolan founded the Aberdeen Navigation Company.
Vegetarian Restaurant - Located on the backside of Jabez Wilson's Pawn Shoppe. They are known for their cream of leek soup.
Time to vote!
You can choose up to, and including, five more locations for the detectives to visit. You're also free to send the Irregulars to one location.
It's too early to call for an end to the case. To end the case we need to find out who killed Guy Clarendon! At this point in time, we have visited 4 out of the 6 key locations correctly.
Bonus points if you figure out who the Society Burglar is.
Voting will end Tuesday, 19th May at 2200 GMT.